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品牌: 恒泰 自动化程度: 手动
是否加工定制: 电流: 直流
秉承原厂代理商优良作风,为客户创造快捷优质服务。Shenzhen KaiTa mechanical and electrical equipment co., LTD. Share with you the XP - 143 - e machine XP - 143 - e is to realize the high-speed SMT machine space full of images of compact and SMT machine, can correspond to small chip components and to further correspond to the BGA/CSP high-speed placement machine. 种类 Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 供料平台 MFU-X10E 标准配置 标准配置 固定 标准配置 废料带切刀 标准配置 标准配置 标准配置 &nbs
编辑:天津凯拓机电设备有限公司  时间:2018/05/11